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Protecting Youth from Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Our Mission:
Saving Hearts, Saving Lives

Saving Hearts Foundation works to protect youth from sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and preventable sudden cardiac death through FREE heart screenings. We aim to educate young adults about SCA, organize local heart screenings, and advocate for change in our communities and beyond.

SCA is a Massive Problem

Girl is smiling with heart pose

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is a life-threatening emergency that occurs when the heart suddenly stops beating. While often linked to chronic medical conditions, SCA alarmingly stands as the leading cause of death among athletes and on school campuses.1,2 Alarmingly, 1 in 300 young individuals harbors an undetected heart condition, significantly heightening their risk of SCA.3 Each year, an estimated 7,000 to 23,000 young lives are stricken annually.4,5


Despite these harrowing statistics, routine physical examination for athletes and young individuals does not include preventative heart screenings. This lack of early detection measures leads to missed opportunities for intervention.


At Saving Hearts Foundation, we are dedicated to closing this critical healthcare gap. We offer complimentary heart screenings to athletes, aiming to detect and address potential risks before they escalate. Our commitment is to safeguard young hearts and raise awareness about the pressing risks of Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

  • Source 1: Journal of Athletic Training 2017;52(4):000-000 Harmon et al DOI: 10.1161/CirculatoinAHA.115.015431
  • Source 2:
  • Source 3: This represents the average from a variety of research: Fuller (1997), Corrado (2006), AHA (2007), Wilson (2008), Bessem (2009), Baggish (2010), Harmon (2015), Drezner (2016)
  • Source 4: American Heart Association Heart Disease & Stroke Statistics 2019 Update
  • Source 5: Characteristics of paediatric out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, Okubu et al 2020

Heart Screenings


Individuals Screened


Requiring Cardiologist Follow-Up


Dangerous Cardiac Abnormalities Detected

Get Your Heart Screened!
We host several screenings a year. Find out when our next event will take place and where you can get your heart screened for FREE.
About SCA
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is scary. Get the facts about SCA, bystander intervention, and learn how you can protect your heart and those of others.
Support Our Cause
We need your help. From donations, to community/partnership support, to signing up to host a future heart screening — everyone can make an impact.

Help support

our efforts

Donations of any size are always appreciated and are a tremendous help for us to continue our heart screening efforts and combat SCA.

Help support

our efforts

Donations of any size are always appreciated and are a tremendous help for us to continue our heart screening efforts and combat SCA.
Community Partners
Thank you to our past and present community partners and collaborators who have supported
our efforts over the years.